Early Help
Please do come and talk to our Wellbeing Team if you think you need some extra help or you are worried about your child or family. We can help if we know you are finding things difficult at home.
There is also a service called The Children and Families Hub, which is a service that is available to all families in Essex. The Children and Families Hub can offer access to support, information and guidance in a range of areas.
The Children and Families Hub
The Children and Families Hub provides:
- Advice and guidance to the public and professionals looking for support see Effective Support Windscreen
- It is the referral pathway to request support from Family Solutions
- It is the referral pathway for any safeguarding concerns see Effective Support Windscreen.
If you wish to access these services then please telephone 0345 603 7627 and ask specifically for the Children and Families Hub.
By telephoning 0345 603 7627 and asking specifically for the Children and Families Hub you will speak to a Family Advisor who will talk to you and help identify the right services that will meet your needs.
You can also email your query to: FOH@essex.gcsx.gov.uk
Family Navigators
What is a Family Navigator for?
Support available to families
-Intervene a the earliest possible point.
-Build confidence in the Early Help system within the family to access the correct support.
-Explore whole family approaches to advice, information and support.
-Improve access and uptake of a wide range of community support.
How to access a Family Navigator
Family Solutions
If the Family Advisor feels that the level of needs described meet the Family Solutions criteria you would be asked to complete a Family Operations Request for Support (FORS) Form.
Child Protection
If the Family Advisor feels that there are Child Protection concerns that require Social Care involvement then they will complete a request with you. You may also be asked to complete a Family Operations Request for Support (FORS) Form. Once completed you would need to password protect it and email the form to FOH@essex.gcsx.gov.uk
A process map has been created in order to help you understand the support you can access from the Children and Families Hub.
The advice provided by this service is vital for schools in determining the level of need for families if any safeguarding concerns arise.