Pupil Premium
The pupil premium funding is given to schools to support eligible groups of children. Lubbins Park Primary Academy receives a Pupil Premium allocation of funding for each child who is entitled to receive Free School Meals or who has been entitled to receive them over the last six years as well as for any Looked After Children. We are required to publish online information about how we have used the premium as part of our pupil premium strategy.
The philosophy behind our strategy is that we recognise that some designated pupil premium children may have differences in their experiences and levels of support and therefore we aim to support children whatever their barriers may be; environmental, social, economic or learning. We aim to provide experiences, support and resources to ensure these children achieve equal progress to other children with similar starting points.
We recognise that with younger children, we need to invest in developing a child’s independence in learning, their self-esteem, their speech and communication and supporting them emotionally in order for them to be able to develop as learners and make the progress they deserve
Please click on the link below to find out more detail.