Ofsted and Performance Data
KS2 SATS results 2024
Lubbins Park Community School was graded as good by Ofsted in 2019. It is really important to us that we pursue outstanding standards of both care and education at Lubbins Park Primary Academy School as we want the very best for all of our children in everything we do.
We are committed to building on our successes and move forward with current research. We will continue to work hard to keep up to date with new ideas and current practice, reviewing what we do and seeing if it works well, and always having plans in place for the future.
We are very lucky to have such fabulous pupils, who work so hard and display such excellent behaviours, in their learning as well as their day to day activities. We are equally fortunate to have such dedicated staff, trustees and parents, who display an ongoing commitment and enthusiasm for the school.
Ofsted School Inspections Reports
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School Performance
School league tables showing the performance of 11-year-olds at primary schools across the country are published by the Department for Education.
Pupils are assessed in reading, writing, and maths, with children required to meet the expected standard at the end of Key Stage 2.
The reading, grammar, punctuation, spelling and maths tests are reported as scaled scores on a scale of 80 to 120, with a score of 100 or more meaning the child has met the expected standard.
Teacher assessment is used to measure a child's attainment in writing.
Within the tables a schools progress and scaled score attainment is measured.
How is a school's progress measure calculated?
- Children are organised into groups with other children nationally who were working at a similar level in key stage 1
- The average key stage 2 score for each group is then worked out
- An individual child's progress score is worked out by calculating the difference between their actual key stage 2 score and the average key stage 2 score of the group
- The school's progress score is calculated by taking an average of all children's progress scores
- A school must achieve at least -5 in English reading, -5 in mathematics and -7 in English writing to reach the floor standard (where '0' means that pupils in a school made the same progress as those with similar prior attainment nationally)
What is a scaled score?
- A child's scaled score is based on the total marks they score in a test - also known as their 'raw score'.
- The Department for Education (DfE) develops tests each year to the same specification, but because the questions must be different, the difficulty of tests may vary slightly each year.
- The DfE then converts the raw scores children get into a scaled score, to make sure accurate comparisons can be made.
- Every scaled score represents the same level of attainment for a child each year, so 103 in 2016 will mean the same as 103 in 2017.
- A scaled score of 100 will always represent the expected standard on the test. Children scoring 100 or more will have met the expected standard.
- A school's scaled score will be taken as an average of all the eligible children's scaled scores in the year group.
To see our school performance table, please click on the link below: